So a little bit about me……

My name is Amy Kate O’ Halloran. I’m a twenty-something, freshly traumatised and exhausted from completing an English degree with a minor in psychology. Now comes what I always told myself would be the fun part but I am quickly realising that by fun I must have meant terrifying and exhilarating in equal measures. The time has come to “adult” and get my life together once and for all or at the very least try to but I’m not quite sure if I’m ready for all that just yet. For now I am doing what I always wanted to; pursuing my dreams of becoming a writer and sharing all the madness I encounter along the way here on this obscure little corner of the internet.

I have written stories since I was little and I have been blogging  and sharing my writing for just under two years. It was an undertaking I was urged to do by many as a logical next step in my career but I did not know back then that I would fall in love so completely with blogging and sharing my thoughts and myriad of scattered interests. To have a readership means the world to me. For most of my teenage years, I was writing ensconced in the darkness of my bedroom and I occupied my time longing for all the lives I might live some day. Now my life has begun to unfold, and lies before me, in garish pieces for me to piece together and make what I will. I am nothing like I was but what I hope for at the beginning of each blank page hasn’t changed, whether I am writing a short story, script or article for my much loved and sadly much neglected blog which I decided months ago to tear down, through losing myself and suffering the immense dread of never knowing what to say or how to be in company. I decided to begin once more. I have been that girl, alone in her bedroom and I am writing for that girl. To feel something, and escape though words, well that is the dream, and it’s a dream I’ve always had.

As for who I am beyond that, that’s for you to decide. For now all you need to know is that I’m an introvert extraordinaire with very little figured out. I hope you come along for the adventure.